
Realizzare un’Opera d’Arte che viene poi ammirata, apprezzata ed acquistata per le proprie caratteristiche di unicità ed esclusività, sono fattori determinanti per un collezionista. Ogni CorkFashionArt ha una sua matrice poetica unica, i propri colori “suonano” di trascendenza creativa, plasmata con mani artigiane in ogni sua fase generando forme e armonie ogni volta nuove. Impossibile duplicare perfettamente la performance artistica di un artigiano, forse imitare, ma non potrà mai essere uguale. Quel valore mistico-creativo, che porta l’arte dell’Alta Moda e del design all’interno di un tappo di sughero, irrompe per la prima volta al mondo con la propria originalità negli schemi del consumismo estetico, distinguendo il valore tra funzione ed emozione, tra volere ed avere, provocando sorpresa e stupore in ogni singolo pezzo, là dove l’animo umano sprigiona la propria intima esclamazione di bellezza. CorkFashionArt è paladino e pioniere del nuovo concetto di utilizzo alternativo nella categoria degli accessori: il riuso intelligente che diviene nel tempo collezionismo di valore. E’ la sublimazione di una nuova forma di pensiero, che soppianta definitivamente l’obsolescenza materiale, contrastando con naturale bizzarria ogni logica corrente e trasforma un fedele custode del nettare degli dei in puro Oggetto d’Arte dedicato agli estimatori del buon vino e dell’autentico Made in Italy.



Creating a Artwork that is then admired, appreciated and purchased for its uniqueness and exclusivity are decisive factors for a collector. Each CorkFashionArt has its own unique poetic matrix, its colors “play” of creative transcendence, molded with artisan hands in every phase, generating new shapes and harmonies each time. It is impossible to perfectly duplicate the artistic performance of an artisan, perhaps to imitate, but it can never be the same.

That mystical-creative value, which brings the art of Haute Couture and design into a cork, bursts for the first time in the world with its own originality into the patterns of aesthetic consumerism, distinguishing the value between function and emotion, between wanting and having, causing surprise and amazement in every single piece, where the human soul releases its own inner exclamation of beauty.

CorkFashionArt is champion and pioneer of the new concept of alternative use in the category of accessories: intelligent reuse that becomes valuable collectibles over time.

It is the sublimation of a new form of thought, which definitively supplants material obsolescence, contrasting with natural bizarre any current logic and transforms a faithful keeper of the nectar of the gods into a pure Art Object dedicated to the admirers of good wine and the true Made in Italy.



Creating a Artwork that is then admired, appreciated and purchased for its uniqueness and exclusivity are decisive factors for a collector. Each CorkFashionArt has its own unique poetic matrix, its colors “play” of creative transcendence, molded with artisan hands in every phase, generating new shapes and harmonies each time. It is impossible to perfectly duplicate the artistic performance of an artisan, perhaps to imitate, but it can never be the same.

That mystical-creative value, which brings the art of Haute Couture and design into a cork, bursts for the first time in the world with its own originality into the patterns of aesthetic consumerism, distinguishing the value between function and emotion, between wanting and having, causing surprise and amazement in every single piece, where the human soul releases its own inner exclamation of beauty.

CorkFashionArt is champion and pioneer of the new concept of alternative use in the category of accessories: intelligent reuse that becomes valuable collectibles over time.

It is the sublimation of a new form of thought, which definitively supplants material obsolescence, contrasting with natural bizarre any current logic and transforms a faithful keeper of the nectar of the gods into a pure Art Object dedicated to the admirers of good wine and the true Made in Italy.