“Una ricerca di oltre cinque anni, per realizzare qualcosa che nella Moda, Design e Arte non esistesse e potesse stupire piacevolmente l’animo umano.

Un percorso fatto di puro artigianato italiano, che ha plasmato Opere d’Arte uniche, con tessuti tra i piĆ¹ pregiati al mondo, ricavate da un prodotto naturale quale il sughero”

Marco Schiona

“A research of over five years, to create something that did not exist in Fashion, Design and Art and could pleasantly surprise the human soul.

A journey made of pure Italian craftsmanship, which has shaped unique works of art, with fabrics among the finest in the world, made from a natural product such as cork.”

Marco Schiona

“A research of over five years, to create something that did not exist in Fashion, Design and Art and could pleasantly surprise the human soul.

A journey made of pure Italian craftsmanship, which has shaped unique Artwork, with fabrics among the finest in the world, made from a natural product such as cork.”

Marco Schiona